

Everything you ever wanted to know about walking as exercise

man seeing if he has lost weight by measuring with a tape


All You Need to Know About Weight Loss After 40

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happy couple exercising while riding together


happy couple exercising while riding together


happy couple exercising while riding together


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Natural Strategies for Healthy Blood Sugar Control After 40

Natural Strategies for Healthy Blood Sugar Control After 40

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Prevent Overtraining After 40: Stay Motivated, Stay Healthy

Let's rewind to that time you absolutely crushed it at the gym. You conquered that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class, feeling like a total fitness rockstar. Endorphins were pumping, and you were ready to take on the world. But then, reality hit. The next...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Carbs for Sustainable Weight Loss

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How to Stay Fit While Traveling After the Age of 40

How to Stay Fit While Traveling After the Age of 40

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Listen to us on our Spotify Podcast

You know that voice in your head saying you’re “too old” or “past your prime” when it comes to fitness? Time to silence it! This podcast is your guide to turning back the years by rediscovering your strength,, and inner athlete. Because life after 40 is just getting started!